Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday's Wisdom by Ria

We had a busy day at school. We read a story about a little girl named Yoon. She didn't know English and she didn't like school. Soon, she learned English and made friends and was happy in America. We did the Daily 5. We had art class. We painted our spooky landscape. We included details like faces on our pumpkins. We read about what it was like to travel west in a covered wagon.



  1. 1+9=10,2+8=10,3+7=10,4+6=10,5+5=10,6+4=10,7+3=10,8+2=10,9+1=10.I got'em.

  2. Hooray! Ria and I forgot to mention we practiced our facts that "Make a 10!" Thank you for the reminder, Danny!
    :) Miss O'Sullivan

  3. Hi it's Isobel I loved today and it went by so fast! And awesome job Ria!

  4. Like my new raper name? o'yeah forgot ,this is a good one,5+11=16 11+5=16 16-5=11 16-11=5


  5. Ria is awesome at blogger she adds so much detail to everything i bet she will do good tommorow also!!!
    Ava Domlija

  6. does anybody like my new raper name? 12+7=19 7+12=19 19-7=12 19-12=7


  7. Ava, thank you for visiting the blog and commenting on it! It was so nice of you to compliment Ria's post. See you soon!

    Drew, are you are new classroom rapper? You are VERY GOOD at fact families!

    :) Miss O'Sullivan
