Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday's Thinking by Macy G.

Today we had PE and Music. We did rotations during class. In music we sang the Arlington Heights song! We learned the names of the towns that surround Arlington Heights. We learned a silly sentence to help us remember them! It was "Buffalo walk past me every rolling path!" Kids, can you name the cities? We also learned that the first fire truck was called "Old Faithful."

Have a nice day!
By Macy


  1. Awesome job Macy!!! The first one was Buffalo Grove then Wheeling then Prospect Heights then Mount Prospect then Elk Grove then Rolling Meadows then Palatine. Did I get it?Ava Domlija

  2. Great job Macy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isobel and MORGAN!!

  3. Great Job Macy!!!!!!!!!!! wont To be bloge next!!! Isobel

  4. hey maybe you will Isobel!!!!!! You would be a great bloger. Se ya!! Macy

  5. Macy
    Well done, I always enjoy reading about PE class in your classroom blog.
    Have A Great Dolphin Weekend!!

  6. Mr. Gries, thank you for commenting on our blog! The kids love to see your name pop up here! You have a great dolphin weekend yourself!

    :) Miss O'Sullivan

  7. And it was so nice to hear from Ava, Isobel, and Macy too!! Ava you again were 100% correct! What a great listener you are during class! I am so proud of you!!

    :) Miss O
