Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday's Fun!

Hello kids! Madison escaped today before we got her blog post done, so I thought I would write a quick recap of the day for you! This morning we took our weekly assessments. We also read a book called "My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks!" It was a book full of similes. We learned that a simile compares two things, using LIKE or AS. After our Treasures test, the children all made their own similes! What a great way to make our writing more fun to read! We also brainstormed possible story topics for our personal narratives. After lunch, Mrs. Misner came in for an Art Appreciation lesson about Michelangelo. The kids then tried to color a picture- of Miss O'Sullivan- on the floor on their backs! It was a lot harder to do than it looked! Then we went to the LMC to see Mrs. Dufern. Mrs. Dufern finished our podcasts with our Arlington Heights Landmark drawings, our voice recordings, and our actual photographs if we had them. It was so fun to see and hear all of the work that each of the children did! We learned about a NEW challenge in our classroom for the month of November, its a US Landmark challenge this time! We are to choose a landmark in our country to study, and we will present them to the class at the end of November. Finally, Ava's mom, dad and older sister came to visit our classroom for Ava's star student presentation. She did an awesome experiment showing how hot air expands- it blew up a balloon! Ava read a cute Halloween story to the class! What a great day at school we had!

Have a fantastic weekend!
:) Miss O'Sullivan


  1. Your quiz question for the weekend: Can you think of a simile??

  2. I can tell you some!!My dog is as fast as a bolt of lightening.My dad is as tall as a skyscraper. :) Dominic

  3. Hi! I can think of one. My dad is as tall as the universe. Is that good! Macy G.

  4. Good ones, Dominic! I am as happy as a clam! :)

  5. I can think of one. My dad is as tall as a sky scraper. Is that good! buy!

  6. I think I have one: I can run as fast as a cheetah! See you all tomorrow!

  7. Miss'osullivan you did a lot of tipping


  8. I can tell you some more!My dog is as cute as a button.The water is as cold as ice.Are those similes??? :) Dominic

  9. Hello Miss O'Sullivan's class!

    This is Madison Payne's mom! I hope you all have a great time during the Halloween parade today!

  10. Those were fabulous similes, you guys! Way to go! Thank you for commenting on our blog, Madison's mom! We loved to read what you wrote to us! Happy Halloween!
