Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday's Message by Macy G.

Hey everybody! I am the new blogger, Macy! Today was a great day at school. We took our spelling pre-test. We had PE and Music class. We had Mr. Gries again now that Mr. Staehlin is gone. We did several stations. One was the climbing wall, another was jumping rope, and one was throwing bean beags and the last one was lifting weights. We got some new books for our classroom book bags. We started learning the names of the cities that surround Arlington Heights, like Wheeling and Buffalo Grove!

More tomorrow!
:) Macy


  1. Way to go Macy you did a awesome job as the new blogger your gonna be a great blogger the rest of the week.Ava Domlija

  2. What a first blog, thanks for including PE.
    Nice job Macy!
