Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday's Thoughts by Cal

Today we practiced "In and Out" boxes during math. There is a rule that tells you to add or subtract, and you solve a bunch of problems with that rule. In PE we played King Pin again. We were much better today than the last time. In music class we played a new game called "Call Captain." The captain names an instrument, and then the kids holding that instrument card had to run and switch places. This was a good review of the instruments we learned on Tuesday. In Social studies we talked about the coming of the train to our town. William Dunton donated $250 for the train to come and he donated the land too. We looked at the Arlington Heights Glog that is attached to our blog, its full of facts about Arlington Heights! Some kids helped Mrs. Fuglestad make inflatable street art in the shape of a ghost. It blew up and seemed to come to life!

From, Cal


  1. Cal is doing a great job. Isn't he?

  2. Hello Cal your doing amazing!!!!!! I'm excited for the book report and a little nervous too.When time are we going to do the book reports at? Ava Domlija

  3. i love commenting on the blog!!!!!!!!


  4. I can't wait for the book report! I'm doing number 12, the dress up one.

  5. Kayleigh, he sure is!

    Ava, don't be nervous! It is going to be so much fun to see how all of the projects turned out! We will begin our reports after our spelling test and Treasures test are done.

    Danny, which early business do you think was most important? The saw mill? General store? Sewing machine company? Train? And why do you think so?

    Macy I love that you will be dressing up as a character in your story! I can't wait to see which one you will be!!

  6. i think the train because without it the business woudn't be able to get to arlington heights.

    i aggre with ava.


  7. I made a movie about the inflatable ghost from the video (taken by students) showing Margaret, Isobel, Will, Alex, Drew, and Danny during lunch recess today. I posted it on my Fugleblog:
    The video ends right before the fan gets tipped over and everything collapses! LOL. But we think it will be a fun display for Halloween still.

  8. It will be a secret but it will be fun!

  9. I blogged at 7 in the morning.

  10. It is spirit day today. I am wearing a Dryden dolphin sweatshirt.

  11. we are in a rush today.I blogged to much.
