Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday'sThoughts by Madison

Today was a busy day at school. In math we were counting with tens and ones. We are working to remember to write down our assignments so we keep getting our homework stickers! We had PE and Music. We walked, skipped, galloped and ran laps around the gym. Mr. Gries is very cool and nice and funny. Margaret started her subtraction fact timed tests today! She almost beat Miss O'Sullivan at the addition facts in one minute. We took a Math Review to see what we've learned so far this year in class!

See you tomorrow!


  1. My question for today: Can you think of a plural noun that doesn't end with s? :)

  2. We know some,it is ponies and foxes. We learned it from grammer.

    will and danny

  3. Madison
    Thanks for the kind words. I really enjoy teaching your class. I look forward to Monday's and Thursday knowing your class is coming to PE.
    Have a Great Dolphin Day!!!
    Mr Gries

  4. Will and Danny, those ARE plural nouns, but they DO end in s! Can you think of any that don't?! (for example: the plural of child :)

    Mr. Gries! It looks like you just might be the kids' favorite gym teacher! Thank you for such a nice comment!!

  5. Great job Madison!!!!!!! I'll give you eight stories, glasses, dresses, babies, houses, mice,geese, teeth. Ava D.

  6. I can tell you some more plural nouns that dont end in s! Goodies berries boxes and watches. Are those good?

    :) Dominic

  7. I know some plural nouns that don't end in s. mice, children, people. Am I right?

    :) Dominic

  8. Ava- mice, geese and teeth are perfect examples!
    Dominic- children, mice, and people are excellent, too!

    Great thinking you super smart second graders!!

  9. Another plural noun is sheep! That has no s in it.

  10. Hi! I'm back. I went to hiphop today. I bloged when I got back. Madison you are doing another great,great job! Macy G.

  11. I can think of other plural nouns men,women, and people. Is that right?
    Macy G.

  12. Hi Macy! Thank you for blogging when you were done dancing. I hope you had fun! :)

  13. great job madison


  14. Hi Steven! There you are! I'm so happy you were able to comment on the blog, I loved to see your name pop up! :)

  15. Hi miss'osullivan Madison did a great job

