Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday's Wisdom by Madison

Today we had art class. We put the finishing touches on our spooky landscapes. We watched the black marker video before we outlined our work. In class we wrapped up our Arlington Heights Unit. We made a Venn Diagram comparing early settlers with how people live today. We went over our unit tests together. We learned what a personal narrative is. Its a story about something that happened in our life. We are going to be writing our own personal narratives! The 3rd grade musical was today, it was a Halloween theme. They sang about ghosts, goblins, and bones! They danced to Thriller! They told funny jokes in between songs.
That's it for now!
Byeee! Madison


  1. What a great day we had at school! I'm wondering if anyone can remind me what a plural noun is? Can you give me an example?!


  2. More than one. Am I rite?

  3. I can give you six examples!students,boys,dogs,batteries,glasses and mattresses. :) :) :) Dominic

  4. Macy you are correct, and very, speedy too!! Wow! Dominic, you figured out how to comment!! Hooray! I love your examples because some end in 's,' some end in 'es,' and some end in 'ies'! Way to go!

  5. A person, place or thing is a noun, and a plural noun is more than one of a person place or thing, such as there are two buses in the parking lot!

    Good job Madison!
    Will G.

  6. WILL! You just filled my plural noun bucket!! What an excellent explanation, and a perfect example! A+!

  7. Madison you did a awesome job.have a great day

