Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday's Wisdom by Macy G.

Today we took our Math test. We practiced problems on our slates before we took the test.We had art class. We finished our Haunted House paintings. We wrote in our journals about which story we would like to jump inside of. In social studies we talked about early transportation. Long ago they used horses to pull their cars! Did you know that Arlington Heights is higher than Chicago? Its the end of our unit, we are almost done learning about our town.

Quiz question for the kids: Can you name all of the names of our town before it was Arlington Heights??

Have a nice day!
Macy G.


  1. Amazing job Macy!!!! The first name was Wheeling Township then Bradley then Dunton then Arlington then Arlington Heights did I get it?Ava Domlija

  2. AVA! Not only are you amazingly speedy, but you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! You are an Arlington Heights expert! Macy G., I love that you added a question for the kids to answer, what a great question that was!!
    :) Miss O

  3. hi! hope i did good on my math test.

    macy, you are doing great as bloger!!!!!


  4. Macy your doing a great job as blogger!!!!

    Its my first time commenting!!!

  5. Welcome, PJ!! I am so happy to see you here!
    :) Miss O
