Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Wonderful Wednesday By: Owen S.

Today made our passports for our trip to Australia. We wrote down our full name, our address, our date of birth, the color of our eyes, and our height next to our picture. We also wrote down some travel notes. We learned that the capital city of Australia is Canberra. We drew a picture of the Australian flag, and we learned that there are 22 million people living there, when there are around 330 million people in the United States! We were all given a region of Australia that we are going to study. My region is south of Australia its called Tasmania. In math we practiced numbers that make a 10. We worked on double digit numbers! We look in the ones place first to find the number that makes a 10. We also learned the cursive letter g! In art we finished our pictures of ourselves and a friend. Its good to be different!

Don't forget about the book fair tonight!
:) Owen

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