Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Back to School! By Steven

It was good to come back to school after a long weekend. This morning we took our spelling pre-test. We learned new vocabulary words! They are destroy, prevent, beware, grassland, uprooted, and violent. Then we read about Super Storms! That is our theme of the week. This afternoon we went to the library. We were working on our Australia research projects. Today we cut apart all of our facts and sorted them into categories we came up with based on our facts. My group made these groups: weather, fun things to do, and animals to see all in South Australia. During math we practiced measuring our arm span using a tape measure. We measured in inches and in centimeters. Then we broke into small groups to see who could jump the farthest. Each group had a jumper, a measurer, a line judge, and a marker. We all took two turns. Dominic and I had awesome jumps! Mine was 128 centimeters and 50 inches! It was fun measuring our jumps. We are going to sort the data tomorrow.

Have a nice night!


  1. Awesome job Steven!!!!! Can you give me a quiz question?

  2. Hi Ava! Wow we haven't heard from you in ages! Sure I'll give you a quiz question. 1) Can you name 3 oceans that touch Australia? 2) Can you name the two largest cities in Australia? 3) What is the number that is the MOST POPULAR in a set of numbers called?
    Good Luck!
    :) Miss O

  3. 1)-Indian ocean-Southern ocean-Pacific ocean.2)-Sydney and Melbourne.3)The mode.Bye bye
