Wednesday, February 1, 2012

All About Our Day! By Amelia

Today was a busy day at school. This morning we did grammar. We practiced capitalizing proper nouns in a sentence. During geography we looked at a map and looked at which states touch Mexico. We had art this afternoon. We finished our art projects! The kids had paint everywhere! The projects turned out awesome! I think my dad will take a picture and keep it on his phone! In science we took our test on motion. We had to think about friction, gravity, and how things move. In math we practiced sorting counters into even groups. Sometimes there was a left over, its called a remainder! Our student council rep visited us, and asked us what kind of Spirit Day we would like to have. Our choices were: crazy hair day, twin day, or dress like an adult day. Crazy hair day won! Mr. Robinson came in to visit us this afternoon too! We love his visits!

Have a nice evening!

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