Friday, February 24, 2012

A Fun Friday! By: Steven

We took our usual Friday tests today in DOL, Grammar, and Spelling. Before taking our spelling test we played a game of Sparkle! Margaret won today! (There is a little smiley-face eraser on her desk right now for winning today!) We read a Time for Kids newspaper about George Washington in honor of President's Day. We learned that he was our first president, he led the army in the Revolutionary War, his home was called Mount Vernon, and he was married to a lady named Martha! This afternoon, we went to the LMC to work on our Australian research projects. We finished sorting our facts into categories, and then did a little more research in the categories that could use some more information. Our class is almost ready to make our commercial about each of our territories! We also finished our persuasive writing pieces about our favorite food to each for lunch. Maybe we will convince you to have the food we wrote about for lunch one day!

It was Dominic's Star Student week. His parents, his grandparents, his aunt, and his older sister came to visit! It was called "Air Support." He dropped two different parachutes on the ground to see which would fall the fastest. One had a knot in the top and one did not. The one with the knot fell the fastest because less air got trapped inside it. Dominic is a star because he is nice, he is a fluent reader, he is fun to play with at recess, he is fair, and he follows the rules at school.

Have a great Saturday and Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Steven!!!!! Can I have a quiz question???
