Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What a Wednesday! By Steven

We had PE today. We played Sharks and Minnows. We jumped rope. We ran, galloped, skipped and jumped around the gym. In music class we sang a song called "Shoo Fly."

In reading we read a nonfiction article about different kinds of storms. We read about blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes, hailstorms, thunderstorms, and lightning. We learned that in Illinois there could be up to 6 tornadoes a year. In order to stay safe during a storm, you can go to your basement or in a closet away from windows. Listen to the news, radio, or look online to see if there is a storm coming your way.

During math we wrote down our longest jump from yesterday in centimeters on a post-it note. Then we looked for the smallest number or the minimum, and the largest number or the maximum. Then we subtracted the two to find the range. Our smallest jump was 70, and our largest jump was 150. The range was 80 centimeters. All of the kids got in order by number, biggest to smallest. Then we found the MEDIAN, or the MIDDLE number. Our class median was 112 cm.


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