Monday, February 27, 2012

A Good Day at School! By Macy M.

We went to PE today and we showed the kindergartners how to use the Obstacle Course. In Music we used sticks to show symbols in music. In math we reviewed for our Unit 7 test and then we took our test. We also started talking about fractions! In Social Studies we talked about fun places to visit in Australia, including the Great Barrier Reef, the Sydney Opera House, and the sheep stations in the outback! It was a quick day!

See you tomorrow!


  1. Awesome job Macy M!!!!!!!!!! Can I have a quiz question please?!?

  2. Hi Ava! You are such a loyal blogger! :) Here is a question for you: Can you name all 7 of the territories in Australia? :) See you tomorrow! Miss O

  3. South Australia, Western Australia, New South Whales, Victoria, Tasmania,Queensland, and Northern Territory. Is that right??
