Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday's Post By: Cal

Today we went to PE and music class. In music, we counted out patterns on the xylophone. In PE we played hockey. My team scored about 6 goals! During math we learned about the Wubbles. They are little creatures that double every night. In order to cut them in half again, you just need to wink! We made cute little valentine owls. In their beaks they are holding a little heart says "Whooo loves you!" We are excited about Valentine's Day tomorrow! We are going to have a party and give out our valentines tomorrow afternoon. In cursive, we learned the letter q. It looks just like a g, but backwards.

Don't forget your valentines!
See you tomorrow!


  1. great blog.

    Macy M.

  2. I am home sick. How is the day going? I am not having a good day at home at all. It is no fun at all. How's the book going? I want to go to school so bad. what are you doing in class? I am probably going to have a lot of homework. Right? please write back.

  3. Hi Macy! We missed you at school today! The day went very well. The kids took their flight to Australia this afternoon with the rest of the 2nd graders in Miss Chiappe and Mrs. Porte's class! I'm sure the kids will tell you all about it when you get back. You will just have the usual amount of homework- Don't forget your spelling test is tomorrow! We have a short week this week! :) I hope you feel better soon!!
    :) Miss O

  4. Hi Macy M.! It was a great day at school today.I hope you are at school and learning tomorrow. :)

  5. those owls we made were soooooo cute!!!!!!
