Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday's Thinking by Drew

Hi! We reviewed our DOL and Grammar skills this morning. And guess what! we received letters from our pen pals at Olive Mary-Stitt School! They were letters in response to our letters we sent a little while ago. We read them and then wrote a letter back, answering all of their questions. We put a picture of ourselves on our letter so our pen pal would know what we look like. We also practiced addressing the envelope! We measured the lines in centimeters. We learned the cursive letter n. We learned about the aborigines, or the native people of Australia. They have a celebration called a corroboree and they play a musical instrument called the didgeridoo! Its a long, narrow instrument. In math we practiced finding the median again, but this time we found the median length of our arm spans. We found the minimum and the maximum in our data set. We all stood down the center of our classroom in the order of length from smallest to greatest, and then the student at either end sat down one at a time until we had the middle number. (That's what the median is!) Sometimes there will be two numbers left in the middle, and then you need to find the middle in between those!

Have a nice snowy night!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!!!! AWesome job Drew! Can I have a quiz question?
