Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday's Wisdom by Drew

We met Mayor Mulder today! She told us that Arlington Heights is the oldest city compared to the cities around us. We will be celebrating its 125th birthday very soon! Did you know she has trustees to help her make decisions for our town? They say "AYE, and NEY" when they vote. They meet at Village Hall and we can see the meetings on our cable channel on TV! Did you know Mayor Mulder used to be a teacher? Did you know she taught PE and was also a science teacher? When we got back to our class we had our class election. "Fair Frank" won! He was the best choice because he would keep things fair and honest, and help us learn at school. I think the kids made the right choice. We also learned that the "majority rule" is when one person gets more than half of the votes in an election. Fair Frank got 16 votes, which is more than half of all of the votes!

More tomorrow!


  1. Drew,

    Great Photo! Do you need a hair cut!!

    Guy Denney (dad)

  2. Drew you grate JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  3. Thank you for the comments, Mr. Denney and Anonymous! Quiz question of the day: 1) Who is the leader of our state? 2) Can you remember his name? 3) What is the name of the group of people who helps him? 4) What does the state government do for us?

  4. This is question 1.The leader of our state is the governor.2)His name is Pat Quinn.3)The name of the group of people that help the governor is called the legislators.4)The state government makes laws for us.Am I right? Dominic :)

  5. I agree with Dominic.

    Ava Domlija

  6. Dominic that was an outstanding answer!! You did a wonderful job learning at school yesterday. I'm proud of you!
