Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday's Tidbit by PJ

It was a good day! Everyone on the 6 minute solution beat their reading score today! It was good to be back at school after a whole week off. We made our own spelling lists because this is a review week. All of us have "Barack Obama" as one of our words. We had PE and Music. In PE we had physical stations. We had buddy walkers, climbing wall, and jump rope. In Music class we learned 2 new songs and played instruments. We started our landmark presentations today. Ava W. made a model of Devils Tower. Will studied the Washington Monument. Macy M. made the crack in the liberty bell talk to us using! Macy G. and Owen S. studied the Golden Gate Bridge and made really cool posters. It is a lot of fun to learn from the kids in our class!

See you tomorrow!


  1. Sounds like a great day in Mrs. O'Sullivans class today. What great presentations. Hope everyone had fun doing them. It is so nice to hear PJ have so much to say about his day - he never talks this much. Maybe you should just blog at home every night to share:)

    PJ's Mom

  2. PJ you wrote a lot.Iwant to know the quiz question.Charlie

  3. Wow! Keep up the good work 2nd grade! Go Dolphins!

    PJ's Dad

  4. PJ you did a great job recalling the highlights of our day! Way to go! Thank you for commenting on our blog, Mr. and Mrs. Ford- I am going to make sure to show the kids this morning. They will love to see it! Charlie.... your question is: Where is the Liberty Bell located?


  5. The Liberty Bell is located in Philadelphia.Heres a fact;The Bell weighs about 2000 pounds.
    (HA HA beat you Charlie)


  6. Good Work, Ria! You were definitely speedy!! Great extra additional fact, too! I will have to think of another good question for today's post! :)
