Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Busy Wednesday! by PJ

We had a writing celebration today! We put all of our desks in a box and then we walked around and read each other's personal narratives. We commented on the back of the ones we read. All the kids did a wonderful job. Charlie's was funny because his was a circle story that started over again at the end. We went to art class. We did two steps of our "Different is Good" project. We earned erasers for good behavior and work in art class. In math we practiced ball park estimates. If the number ends in a 5 or up, round up. If it ends in a 4 or under, round down. I did my presentation on the Lincoln Memorial this morning! It went well. Charlie presented the Statue of Liberty. He even had handouts! He read us a poem. Madison taught us about Mount Rushmore, and so did Alex. They made models of it that looked just like it! Margaret made a styrofoam model of the Washington Monument. Dominic studied the Golden Gate Bridge and made it out of straws and string and construction paper. The projects were so cool!

Second graders are busy people!
:) PJ


  1. I am amazed at all of the hard work you kids have done on your projects so far! My question is this: Which landmarks can only be found in our capital, Washington D.C.?

  2. Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, White house, Capital building.Is that right?


    Ava W. and Ava D.

  3. Great job PJ!!!!!!!!!!!!We liked your post on the blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ava D. came to my house we are having a playdate.

  4. The Washington monument, the lincoln memorial, and the white house, supreme court building, the pentagon, WWII soldiers monument, the Korean war monument, Vietnam monument

    PJ Ford (and a little help from mom and dad)

  5. Ava D., Ava W., and PJ (&family)- great job! You have become US landmark EXPERTS!! Way to go!!
