Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday's thinking by Ava D.

Today was a busy day. We buddy read "Nothing Like Baseball." We had gym and music today. In gym we did bowling. In music we practiced our songs. We played on the instruments. We read "Thanksgiving In The White House." President Lincoln pardoned a turkey. President Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday. In social studies we read about some good citizens like Clara Barton, Sojourner Truth, and some other people. We wrote in our journals.

Have a nice evening!
Ava D.


  1. Another great blog, Miss Ava! So proud of you! A quiz question for my miniature bloggers: What is the difference between a plural, proper, and a possessive noun? Can you give me an example of each one?!

  2. A plural noun is if it ends in a s or ies or es. A possessive noun means you own something. A proper noun is some ones name. Example for possessive noun is It's Lily's desk. A example for a proper noun is Miss O'Sullivan. A example for a plural noun is dogs, geese, children, babies, buses, and teeth. Is that right?
