Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday's Feature by Macy M.

Today was a good day at school. We made some cute corn that said why we are special. We practiced our spelling words with a spelling buddy and we did a word sort. We reviewed our possessive and plural nouns. We worked on our personal narratives, they are almost done! We watched a little video about our president, Barack Obama, and wrote down six facts about him! Did you know he was born in Hawaii? He married a lady named Michelle. We had Cal's star student experiment. He did a great job. It was fun to see his mom! She read us a story about three little girls. We got our report cards.

Thanks for checking the blog!
Macy M.


  1. Hi it's Ava D. im in Aruba were going swimming soon. Great job Macy M. Can you put a quiz question? I miss you. Have a good Thanksgiving.

  2. Great blog. Miss O'Sullivan's class sounds like a fun class. I'm sure that everyone is learning a lot of new things.

    Macy M's Granddad

  3. Hi Ava! Thank you for your message all the way from Aruba! Ihave to look for you on the cluster map! I hope you are having so much fun with your family. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! Here are some quiz questions! 1) What is the name of our president? 2) How long has he been our president? 3) How long is a presidential term? 4) what is the name of the capital of the U.S.? 5) What is our national anthem?

    Macy's grandpa, thank you for visiting our blog and for the nice comments. Macy and her classmates are working very hard this year!

  4. 1 Barak Obama. 2. two years. 3. two terms. 4. Washington D.C. 5. Star Spangled Banner.
    Is that right? Guess what I lost a tooth here. The toothfairy really did come.

  5. Sounds like you had a VERY eventful week! I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday break! Mr. Deptula

  6. Great job, Macy M. Macy Z and I had a sleepover and stayed awake until 2:00 am ... in the MORNING! I went to my cousin's in Grays Lake for Thanksgiving, and I saw the movie, Arthur Christmas. We painted my bedroom Peacock Blue, and my new bunk bed comes next week! Isobel and Macy
