Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday's Wisdom by Ava D.

Today was a fun day at school today! We did our mad minute after we did our math minute. We compared temperatures during math using a "Start, Change, End" box. Mrs. Maloberti came in and did art appreciation. We went to art this afternoon we started our art project by ourselves. We learned about American symbols. One of them is the Statue of Liberty, another is the Liberty bell, then there's the American flag, and the bald eagle. We are proud Americans!
See you tomorrow!
Ava D.


  1. Ava you did great job!!!! you can type so fast!!! Owen. schneider

  2. hi!I'm back on the blog! I wonder what the question is?


  3. Ava you did a great job. I wish I could be a superstar cumputer writer just like you.Charlie
