Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday's Tidbit by Drew

We read a story about a caterpillar and duck who were friends. We practiced making inferences by mixing what we read with what we know. We listened to speeches from 4 fictional class candidates who are running for class president. They were Healthy Harry, Tough Tiffany, Silly Sally, and Fair Frank. We made campaign posters for the candidate that we want to win the election. We went to the library and finished our president reports. Finally, the 4th graders sang to us in their musical!

Stay dry!


  1. Great post, Drew! We started our mock election today in order to choose a quality candidate for our class president. What are the words that describe a good leader?

  2. Amazing job Drew!!!!!! Fair, healthy, nice, and honest.

    Ava Domlija

  3. Happy,work hard,not a bully,honest,kiss baby's,and make poster's.

  4. Ava D. and Macy M. those are good ones. You almost got all of them. Drew that's a really good post. (:(:(:(:(: bye! bye!

  5. Ava and Macy, those are excellent characteristics! You girls thought of the most important qualities of a leader for sure. I might also add trustworthy and responsible to your amazing list!

  6. Macy G, you are always such a happy and positive girl. I think you could be a professional bucket filler! :)
