Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday's Message by Ava D.

I am finally the classroom blogger! We had gym and music. In gym we did cosmic bowling. In music we practiced our musical songs. We also played on the instruments. We did our spelling pre test. We played vocabulary magic. Our vocabulary words of the week are imaginary, uniforms, tryouts, practiced, coach, and starting. We learned about recipes. They have ingredients and directions. In math we practiced part part total. In social studies we learned about the flag. Did you know that the flag's nickname is Old Glory?

Quiz question for the kids:
Where are some places you will find the American flag?


  1. Ava you did a good job.a post game. a baseball game.
    Owen Schneider

  2. Ava you did a awesome job as blogger.. Your chase as came we are so lucky to have you as blogger.

  3. Ava you did a great job.I like to be blogger.


  4. Ava, what an amazing job you did! You are a natural blogger!! Owen S. and Charlie, it is so much fun to see your names on the blog! Thank you for commenting! Owen, those are great places to find the American flag. I'm wondering if you guys will see a flag anywhere tomorrow morning at about 9 am? :)

  5. Great job Ava! You're finally the classroom blogger!!!! You can find the American flag at an airport, in a classroom, and at a parade. Isobel
