Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday's Thoughts by Isobel

Today we went to gym and music. We did our first bowling of the year. We did pretty good! In music we are getting ready for our 2nd grade performance. We are singing Christmas and December songs. In social studies we learned about rules and laws in the community. We watched a video about those rules and laws. They keep our community safe and calm. In math we learned about making change. Start with the amount something costs and count UP to what you pay with!

That's all for now!


  1. Quiz questions: (You'll have to look these up!)

    1) What is the name of our current mayor?
    2) What year was she first elected as our mayor?
    3) How many trustees work with her?
    4) When is the next village board meeting?

  2. I couldn't find where to go but for number 1 Arlene Mulder. Is that right?

    Ava Domlija

  3. It sounds like all of you are doing really fun things in class. I love helping Macy with all of her projects and homework assignments. I hope all of your holidays are great.

    Macy's Dad

  4. Hi! I saw that my dad commented on the blog. I hoped you liked it. I'm just getting reedy for school so "bye".

  5. Good job, Ava, you are correct! Our mayor is Arlene Mulder! Macy's Dad,
    thank you for commenting on our classroom blog! It is so much fun to see your kind words! Thank you for helping Macy with her school work, she is a very busy second grader!
