Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Busy Wednesday! by PJ

We had a writing celebration today! We put all of our desks in a box and then we walked around and read each other's personal narratives. We commented on the back of the ones we read. All the kids did a wonderful job. Charlie's was funny because his was a circle story that started over again at the end. We went to art class. We did two steps of our "Different is Good" project. We earned erasers for good behavior and work in art class. In math we practiced ball park estimates. If the number ends in a 5 or up, round up. If it ends in a 4 or under, round down. I did my presentation on the Lincoln Memorial this morning! It went well. Charlie presented the Statue of Liberty. He even had handouts! He read us a poem. Madison taught us about Mount Rushmore, and so did Alex. They made models of it that looked just like it! Margaret made a styrofoam model of the Washington Monument. Dominic studied the Golden Gate Bridge and made it out of straws and string and construction paper. The projects were so cool!

Second graders are busy people!
:) PJ

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday's Fun by PJ

Today was a busy day at school. First we did our personal narratives. We published and illustrated them. We searched on google for 4 different landmarks. We found where they are and an interesting fact about each one. The ones we searched were: Mount Rushmore, The Grand Canyon, The Statue of Liberty, and The Washington Monument. We visited the library. We watched a Brainpop video on National Landmarks. Then we used Google Earth to fly to them and learn more about them. In math we learned about inches and centimeters. We measured our desk, chair, and the classroom door. We are about to share a few presentations before we get ready for home. (Danny blabberized Mount Rushmore, and I created a power point presentation on the Lincoln Memorial! I am going to present it tomorrow!)

See you tomorrow!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday's Tidbit by PJ

It was a good day! Everyone on the 6 minute solution beat their reading score today! It was good to be back at school after a whole week off. We made our own spelling lists because this is a review week. All of us have "Barack Obama" as one of our words. We had PE and Music. In PE we had physical stations. We had buddy walkers, climbing wall, and jump rope. In Music class we learned 2 new songs and played instruments. We started our landmark presentations today. Ava W. made a model of Devils Tower. Will studied the Washington Monument. Macy M. made the crack in the liberty bell talk to us using! Macy G. and Owen S. studied the Golden Gate Bridge and made really cool posters. It is a lot of fun to learn from the kids in our class!

See you tomorrow!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday's Feature by Macy M.

Today was a good day at school. We made some cute corn that said why we are special. We practiced our spelling words with a spelling buddy and we did a word sort. We reviewed our possessive and plural nouns. We worked on our personal narratives, they are almost done! We watched a little video about our president, Barack Obama, and wrote down six facts about him! Did you know he was born in Hawaii? He married a lady named Michelle. We had Cal's star student experiment. He did a great job. It was fun to see his mom! She read us a story about three little girls. We got our report cards.

Thanks for checking the blog!
Macy M.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday's thinking by Ava D.

Today was a busy day. We buddy read "Nothing Like Baseball." We had gym and music today. In gym we did bowling. In music we practiced our songs. We played on the instruments. We read "Thanksgiving In The White House." President Lincoln pardoned a turkey. President Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday. In social studies we read about some good citizens like Clara Barton, Sojourner Truth, and some other people. We wrote in our journals.

Have a nice evening!
Ava D.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday's Wisdom by Ava D.

Today was a fun day at school today! We did our mad minute after we did our math minute. We compared temperatures during math using a "Start, Change, End" box. Mrs. Maloberti came in and did art appreciation. We went to art this afternoon we started our art project by ourselves. We learned about American symbols. One of them is the Statue of Liberty, another is the Liberty bell, then there's the American flag, and the bald eagle. We are proud Americans!
See you tomorrow!
Ava D.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday's Tidbit by Ava D.

Today was a busy day at school today! We read a book called There's Nothing Like Baseball. We mixed what we know and what we read and made an inference. We had library. We typed recipes on how to make a turkey on the computers. We finished our flag packets. We did our math minute.

Have a nice afternoon!
Ava D.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday's Message by Ava D.

I am finally the classroom blogger! We had gym and music. In gym we did cosmic bowling. In music we practiced our musical songs. We also played on the instruments. We did our spelling pre test. We played vocabulary magic. Our vocabulary words of the week are imaginary, uniforms, tryouts, practiced, coach, and starting. We learned about recipes. They have ingredients and directions. In math we practiced part part total. In social studies we learned about the flag. Did you know that the flag's nickname is Old Glory?

Quiz question for the kids:
Where are some places you will find the American flag?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday's Thinking by Drew

Today was a learning day at school. We learned about Veteran's Day. Veteran's Day is when we celebrate all of the people who fought in wars and kept our country safe. We made cards for Veterans telling them thank you for serving our country. We watched Carrie Underwood sing the Star Spangled Banner. Its our national anthem and its a song that shows our patriotism! We thought about what it would be like if we were the president. If I was president, I would want our country to be fair and safe.

Have a happy Veteran's Day!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday's Wisdom by Drew

We met Mayor Mulder today! She told us that Arlington Heights is the oldest city compared to the cities around us. We will be celebrating its 125th birthday very soon! Did you know she has trustees to help her make decisions for our town? They say "AYE, and NEY" when they vote. They meet at Village Hall and we can see the meetings on our cable channel on TV! Did you know Mayor Mulder used to be a teacher? Did you know she taught PE and was also a science teacher? When we got back to our class we had our class election. "Fair Frank" won! He was the best choice because he would keep things fair and honest, and help us learn at school. I think the kids made the right choice. We also learned that the "majority rule" is when one person gets more than half of the votes in an election. Fair Frank got 16 votes, which is more than half of all of the votes!

More tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday's Tidbit by Drew

We read a story about a caterpillar and duck who were friends. We practiced making inferences by mixing what we read with what we know. We listened to speeches from 4 fictional class candidates who are running for class president. They were Healthy Harry, Tough Tiffany, Silly Sally, and Fair Frank. We made campaign posters for the candidate that we want to win the election. We went to the library and finished our president reports. Finally, the 4th graders sang to us in their musical!

Stay dry!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday's Message by Drew

It was a fantastic day at school. Miss O'Sullivan showed us this cool way to practice our vocabulary words. It was called vocabulary magic. When you move the vocabulary word on the screen, it turned into the definition! It was magic! Some of our words were: giggled, recognize, snuggled, and peered. We had PE and Music. We played bowling in PE. In music we practiced songs for the musical. We learned what a possessive noun is! It is something that somebody owns. For example, Drew's dog. In social studies we learned about how to vote and we are going to have a mock class election! In math we practiced counting coins and making change.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday's Fun by Isobel

Today was PJ's star student day! His dad came and they did an experiment where they trnasferred water from one bowl to another using air pressure. He read us a story about a pig and an elephant. In social studies we learned about the government. The leader of our town is Mayor Arlene Mulder. The mayor helps make laws and solve problems in the town. We read a Time for Kids newspaper about bullying. We never want to make someone feel bad. We took our Friday tests. They were easy.

Have a happy weekend!
:) Isobel :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday's Thoughts by Isobel

Today we went to gym and music. We did our first bowling of the year. We did pretty good! In music we are getting ready for our 2nd grade performance. We are singing Christmas and December songs. In social studies we learned about rules and laws in the community. We watched a video about those rules and laws. They keep our community safe and calm. In math we learned about making change. Start with the amount something costs and count UP to what you pay with!

That's all for now!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday's Wisdom by Amelia

We read a story called Thanksgiving at the Tappletons'. We wrote in our journals about what we are thankful for! We learned different resources that give us information. These included a globe, a card catalog, a newspaper, an atlas, an almanac and a telephone directory! We had art this afternoon and we made a "different is good" picture. We drew how people can be different from each other. In math this afternoon we practiced solving frames and arrows problems that had 2 different rules! In social studies we read more fun facts about the presidents, and we listened to "America the Beautiful" and thought about what the words meant. New words we learned today are tax, government, and law.

Have a good afternoon!
Amelia :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday's Tidbit by Isobel

Hello! Today was great. We got new seats in the classroom. We made turkeys for Thanksgiving decorations. We read a story about visiting the Emergency Room. We were assigned a president to study in social studies. Did you know one president had two pet bears? We read about Wacky White House pets! My president is Thomas Jefferson. We learned how to find the average, or the MEDIAN during math class by counting our pockets! Emma came in from Student Council and let us vote on our Spirit Day in January! We picked Pajama Day.

Have a great night!