Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday's Blog by Lily

Yesterday we had art class! We painted our pictures! It was awesome! Mine is a picture of me and an alien. My alien has a purple face and bunny ears. It also has long squiggly hair. I'm not really like that at all. My hair is short. We also took our math MAP test yesterday. I think I beat my score! There were all kinds of questions. We learned about writing a postcard yesterday. Our job was to write a postcard to a friend or family member trying to convince them why they should come to Arlington Heights. We used persuasive words like " Obviously, " "Surely," "Local people feel that," and "Just think about..." We were very convincing! Arlington Heights is great!
Busy as usual!
:) Lily

1 comment:

  1. Lily-
    What a great job you are doing being the blog writer this week! I love all of your details and with your Lily-spin on the day. This has been so fun to get updates from you!

    What a creative writer you are becoming. Focus hard and lots of love- Mom
