Friday, January 20, 2012

A fun day at school by: Steven

It was a snowy day at school! It was nice to watch the snow fall outside our classroom window all day long. This morning we took our spelling test, DOL quiz, and out grammar quiz. We practiced combining sentences that have the same subject. Then we wrote a friendly letter to a little girl who lives in Japan. Her name is Mana and she was in Miss O'Sullivan's class in 2nd grade. She wants to practice her English so we sent her letters to read! We are also going to send her some books to read because reading is so fun! We can't wait until she gets them! After lunch we read some more of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In the story they are now in Willy Wonka's factory. You'll never believe this. Augustus Gloop has fallen into the chocolate river, and then he got sucked up the pipe. I wonder what will happen to him! In science we practiced rolling marbles along a track. They were made of glass, metal, and cork. They were big and they were small. We were trying to see how far the balls would roll after they collided with each other. The big metal ball caused the biggest collision, and the cork ball caused the smallest collision because it was the lightest.

Macy M. was our star this week! Her little brother Zach, her mom, and her dad all came to our class today! She did a cool experiment. We checked to see which liquid a magnet move a paper clip through the fastest between corn syrup, vegetable oil, and water. The fastest was the water. Then came the vegetable oil. The thickest liquid was the corn syrup. The paper clips moved really slow in that one! Macy is a star because she is nice and playful and a hard worker!

Have a fun, snowy, long weekend!

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