Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tuesday's Blog by Lily

Yesterday was a busy day at school! It was so busy that I am doing the blog this morning! We took a test on the computers in the LMC. It was a reading test. There were easy, hard, and perfect questions on it. I think I did really good. We read a new story in our Treasures book. It was about a school of dancers in New York City. It was nonfiction. The boys did a dance called capoeira, they dance in a circle without their shoes. The girls did tap and ballet! After we read the story we visited the Alvin Ailey School's website and watched them dance in a video online! During math, we practiced adding multiple numbers, making sure to add the numbers that "make a ten," first!

More later!


  1. Hi Miss O,
    I hope you had a great day!!!! Could you give me a quiz question? see you tomorrow.

  2. My day was great, thank you Macy! A quiz question just for you... Who is the main character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and can you describe him for me? :)
