Monday, January 9, 2012

Our Day! by Lily

Hello! We went to PE class today. We did gymnastics. My favorite part was climbing the rope! It was really hard. My hands just reached the red line and then I fell to the ground. We wrote Mr. Gries a friendly letter today! We started with the heading, and then we wrote the greeting, the body, the closing and then our signature. We wrote what a great teacher he is! We started a new class read aloud, its "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." It is so good I can practically taste the chocolate in the story in my mouth! In math we reviewed and then took our test! We will start Unit 6 tomorrow. We also watched a little video on motion! We learned how different things move, for example pushing and pulling, and we heard about friction!

What a great day! Make sure to check in again tomorrow, I'm here all week!
:) Lily

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