Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday's Blog! by Lily

We wrote Miss O'Sullivan a persuasive letter this morning that told her why we think we should or shouldn't have recess this morning. We thought of a bunch of good reasons, and made sure to use our persuasive words from yesterday! We had outdoor recess in the snow! It went great, we had a really good time! The boys like to make the biggest snow fort ever! We started learning our subtraction facts in math! So far we learned -0, -1, -2, and -doubles. I feel like I'm starting to get speedy already! We took our 'printing' handwriting test to see if we are ready to learn to write in cursive. I think my handwriting turned out really awesome! In science we did time trials to see how fast we could walk backwards, jump, and crawl. We found out that we went fastest when we were jumping because we were moving forward and in a straight direction. After that we were experimenting to see how we could make a toy car move. My group made a ramp with books and a ruler and a plastic tube and then we pushed it down.

We read a story this morning called "The Worry Warts." It was about some silly worrywarts that enjoyed watermelon, worms, and wandering on walks in the wild. Did you know that alliteration is when the same sound repeats again and again? Wow! :)

Macy Goodman was our star student this week! Her mom and her dad came to visit our class. She did an experiment using water, some glass jars, and some objects. The glass with the round edges made the object bigger- just like a magnifying glass! Macy is a star because she is very fluent, she moves quickly during class, and she is such a nice girl!

Have a great weekend!


  1. awsome blogg post Lily! It's Ava W.I am going to miss you guys at school today because I am t home sick in bed and can't come out but I can come out of bed for meals.

  2. Hello Miss Ava, thank you for your note! We are about to read our new Treasures story, "Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type!" We miss you today and we hope you get better! Hopefully we will see you back at school tomorrow.
    Sincerely, (<--- new vocabulary word!) Your classmates :)
