Thursday, January 19, 2012

We are one busy class! By Steven

We marched right into the computer lab this morning and we sat at our computers! We found out that we have our very own email accounts to use here at school! Ms. Breaux set them up for us and she even sent us an email message! We practiced logging in to our accounts and typing her a message back. The messages went to everyone in our class, so now we have each other's email addresses, too! It was so much fun sending messages to each other. Its a good way to practice our typing, too. Then we went to PE class. It was our last day of gymnastics. My favorite station was the one where you run with the football and then jump over the rope while you are holding on to it! In music class we played a game where we tapped each other on the shoulder and we had to guess who did it! We had our first cursive lesson today! We learned two letters, the i and the t. They are a lot alike. We made a pinky promise with Miss O'Sullivan that we won't go ahead of the class! That way we won't confused. The rules of cursive are: 1) sit tall in your chair 2) both feet on the floor 3) slant your paper 4) use your guide hand. It went awesome! In science we talked about pushing and pulling, and we practiced using different amounts of force. A little force makes a little movement and a larger forces makes a bigger movement.

I almost forgot! Yesterday was a fun day at school too! We learned how to send an email. We made sure to include a subject that told what the message was about. We emailed Ms. Breaux and Mrs. Kenney. Then we emailed all the parents in our class to find out what their favorite food was. We got 24 responses during the school day! It was so much fun to read all of our messages. Guess which food group was the most popular? It was fruit and vegetables! 14 parents liked it the most! What a fun day.

Bye Bye!
:) Steven

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