Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Everything about today at school by Macy M.

Today was a good day at school! We practiced our spelling words, read with a buddy, and reviewed suffixes at the ends of words. We reviewed writing a friendly letter. Our class had art today, too. We painted a picture of ourselves with a friend. It will take a long time to paint, but we are halfway done. We learned the cursive w! In math we practiced sorting a set of counters into smaller groups. Sometimes there were counters left over, because our groups all had the same number of counters in each one. We completed our math boxes to practice our skills!

More later!


  1. What a great week so far! I'm so glad Miss O'Sullivan is teaching you cursive! It is so fun to write. Keep up the good work!

  2. Dear 2-2,
    It looks like you all have had a wonderful week. I hope you have a good weekend even though we do not have snow AGAIN!!! Each student now has another email in their mailboxes from Mrs. Jojo. Happy Reading!

  3. Hi it's Isobel! I just got to my hotel in Michigan. And about to go watch my sister Kennedy (Kiki) skate. Go Chicago Jazz Intermediate!
