Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Our good day at school! By Macy M.

This morning we reviewed the idea of "cause and effect" by reading a short story and answering some questions using the text. We are getting ready for our Unit 3 test in Treasures this week! We went to the library this afternoon. We sent Mrs. Jojo an email message, and then we sent our parents an email message, too! Unfortunately, our email only works with district email addresses, so our messages wouldn't go through. Miss O'Sullivan sent them for us! We learned a new math trick today! Its -9. The trick is to just add the top two numbers together (when subtracting numbers that are less than 20). Its a trick that will help us remember those facts quickly! We also learned a new cursive letter. It was the letter u. In science we talked about friction. We experimented to see how a penny moves over different surfaces! We tried wax paper, carpet, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and news print. It traveled the farthest over the newsprint because it had the least amount of friction. It traveled the shortest distance over the sand paper because it had the most friction or rubbing between the two surfaces. We read another chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The kids get so excited to hear the story!

PS Only do the top half of your cursive homework tonight!
See you tomorrow!
Macy M.


  1. Hi P.J.Here,
    Macy you are writing so motch!

    P.J. out!

  2. Hi PJ! Thank you for checking in on our blog! Macy did a terrific job sharing the highlights of our the day... See you tomorrow!
    :) Miss O
