Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday's Wisdom by Alex

Today we went to art. We played I SPY with the iPads, and we played Spooky Mansion. It was fun. We learned a new math strategy, its called Doubles +2, or Doubles in between. It works when there is only one number in the middle of two addends. (Ex: 4+6 = 10 because 5+5=10. ) We did the Daily 5 today. We wrote in our journals, we read to ourselves, and we did word work!

stay dry , by Alex


  1. Sounds like a great day Alex! I loved the spooky ispy iPad app. It went perfectly with our spooky landscape painting and taught us to look closely at the details!

  2. Thank you for commenting, Mrs. Fuglestad! (And Danny!) The kids will be so excited to see that! The spooky iPad app sounds like a perfect way to get ideas for the haunted house paintings I've been hearing so much about! I can't wait to see those spoooky details! Boys and girls, what details did you think to add?
