Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday's Thinking by Ava W.

Today was an awesome day at school. This morning we had PE and music. In PE we had a full soccer game. Charlie played very well. In music we learned a new song called "Clickety Clack." Danny sang really loud and clear and we could hear the words he was singing. We learned our doubles +1 facts. This works when the numbers are next door on the number line. We sang, "Think about the double with the LOWER number then!" We wrote story problems with unit boxes and number models! We are busy kids!

Ava W.


  1. Good job Ava! I loved your Blog. I loved what you wrote. way to go Ava!

  2. Macy, thank you for commenting on the blog! I thought it was really sweet of Ava to compliment some of the kids in our class on a job well done. It was so nice to see that!
