Friday, September 2, 2011

Curriculum night came and went....

Thank you so much for attending curriculum last night at school, and for showing such interest in your child's learning. It was so nice to see some familiar faces, as well as the new ones! I know it was a lot of information! Who knew there was so much to cover in 2nd grade? I hope that I answered any questions you may have had, and gave you a preview of what's to come in the next few months. The children were very excited to read the notes you left for them this morning when they arrived. I wish you could have seen it. Believe it or not, there are a few more points I wanted to quickly reiterate while I'm thinking about them.

* There was a note in the curriculum folder that you received about a classroom allergy to peanuts. We are going to maintain a nut-free environment in the classroom this year!

* Please remember to send in your child's blue calculator from 1st grade. We will be using them during various math lessons throughout the year.

* Don't forget to sign and return your purple, yellow, and white forms that were also in your curriculum folder. Those forms:
1) allow me to use your child's name and image (purple)
2) show you've read the Dryden handbook -don't worry there isn't a quiz! (yellow)
3) enable you to work with a small group of children (white). The office does need a record of each of those forms, so please send them in as soon as you can. Thank you for the bundle I received already today.

* Scholastic Book orders will be due the morning of September 8th.

* A huge thank you to Mrs. Geisler for sending the information about the PTA Progressive Dinner project out the the parents, and so quickly, too! As she mentioned in her email message, she will be collecting any donations for our project up until September 9th.

All in all, we had another great week at school. We have begun our preliminary math lessons that introduce typical lesson routines and get us thinking about numbers, counting, and patterns. We practiced our math facts and played a card game- similar to the game of "War" that Owen described for us in a previous post. The children have been working to increase their sustained silent reading time (also known as "stamina") as we prepare to begin our reading groups following our assessments next week. The class read about a number of different landforms and illustrated them in their personal glossaries. Finally, we took our very first spelling pre-test of the year today. We did this in case the children would like to practice their new words over the long Labor Day weekend. There is no official homework, but I wanted to send the spelling practice page home just in case they decided to get a head start on those words. Please leave next week's homework and spelling list (dated 9/5) in your child's red folder for us to use next week!

Thank you for visiting the blog!
I'm looking forward to a really great year!
Enjoy the nice long Labor Day weekend.

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