Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday's Feature by Alex

We had a visitor this morning, it was a man named Mr. Musich. He was a painter from our town. He painted pictures of the olden days of Arlington Heights. We learned a new math strategy, +9! Miss O'Sullivan read us a story about a family who moved west across the prairie in a covered wagon. We drew our own prairie in our Arlington Heights packet. Isobel's mom, dad, and two older sisters Grace and Kennedy came to visit. Isobel did a cool experiment that blended colors. She read us a story called "Diary of a Worm." She is a great reader!

Have a great weekend
by Alex


  1. football game at 10:00 tomorrow,wish me luck!!

  2. Great job as the Blogger this week, Alex! You did a really great job noting the highlights each day.

    Danny, good luck in your game this morning!!
