Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday's Tidbit by Alex

We went to the library it was fun. Mrs. Dufern showed us paintings of places in Arlington Heights. We are going to be doing drawings like that! We learned how to use Tumblebooks online. It was a way to read books during our listening center. We can get there from this blog! It was fun. We read a story about a little girl who was deaf, her name was Rosina.

See you tomorrow!
By Alex


  1. Drew here; Alex is doing a great job on the blog! I liked how you added that we read a book about Rosina. Good Job Alex! :)

  2. I an so happy that you are checking the blog at home, Drew! I enjoy reading these comments from you guys. I wonder if anyone can remember any of the new vocabulary words from our story?

  3. It is great to see your comments, Danny! I'm so glad Alex mentioned Tumblebooks in his post, that's great that you tried it. Which story did you listen to?

  4. Hi Miss O'Sullivan,I think one of them was "deaf".

  5. Drew, great memory. You are correct! There are 5 more! :)

  6. Hello Miss O'Sullivan! This blog is awesome! The blogger person is really doing a great job!! Plus I LOVE this font that you use! it is SOO awesome! This is such a creative idea! Drew is like "Can I go on the blog I want to see if she posted back allready!" :)

    - Sydney K. :)

  7. Hi Sydney! Thank you for the compliments!! I'm so glad you like the blog. Now you can see what your brother is learning about in school everyday! I really love this font too, isn't it fun?! We enjoyed having you visit our class on Friday, come back again soon!

  8. Some other words were "language", "signing", "culture", and "sign language".

  9. Danny that is the story you wanted to read at school! I'm glad you were able to find it at home. Drew, way to go! the only word you missed was "relatives." Bravo!

  10. Oh. Miss o.
