Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday's Thoughts by Alex

We had PE and Music today! We played another full soccer game. Our team lost, but we played well. We talked about poems and found rhyming words. We practiced Word Work with a buddy during the Daily 5. We alphabetized our words while Miss O read with the kids. We learned about needs and wants. Needs are things you have to have to be healthy, and wants are things you don't really need but you want. I need new clothes, but I want an electric scooter!

today's news by Alex


  1. Miss O,
    How are you doing? I am doing happy happy happy. You are a funny. The blogger is doing a good job! Love, Macy M.

  2. Hi Macy! I an doing great. I'm so happy that you are so happy! Thank you for such a nice compliment! I think Alex is doing a great job, too!! See you tomorrow!

    Danny, I tried to publish your comment from my phone but I accidentally pressed delete! Please re-post if you'd like!
