Sunday, October 7, 2012

Science Update

During our last few science lessons on motion, the children and I explored the rate of speed of falling objects. We dropped metal, cork, and glass balls at the same time, and we noticed that even though they have different weights, they dropped at the exact same rate of speed. In order to test this theory a little bit further, we dropped a huge 3 pound dictionary at the same time as a small cork ball to see what would happen. We found the exact same results. The dictionary and the small cork ball landed at the same time. We did notice, however, that heavier objects made a much deeper impact than the lighter objects when we dropped them in a pan of sand. The cork ball made a small indentation, the glass ball made a larger indentation, and the metal ball dropped several inches into the sand! The children and I enjoyed our unit on motion, and we learned so much! Now we are switching gears back to social studies... our Citizenship unit is up next- just in time for the upcoming election!

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