Saturday, October 20, 2012

Reading Update

The common theme to our literacy activities this week was seeds and planting. Our whole group story was called, “The Tiny Seed” by Eric Carle. It was about a little seed that blows through the air with its seed companions.  The seeds face a variety of dangers including potentially landing in the ocean and desert, blowing too close to the sun and too close to the mountaintops, being eaten by birds, and being picked by humans! It was a miracle that the little seed survived!  The comprehension strategy we focused on was drawing conclusions.  To do this, we first identified important facts from the story. Then we put these facts together to determine what the author was intending for us to understand, without directly stating it. The children concluded that not all seeds grow into plants! They also realized that the seed needs just the right amount of  heat, water, and nutrients to survive.  New vocabulary words from this selection include: burst, desert, drifts, drowns, gently and neighbor

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