Saturday, October 13, 2012

Reading Update

This week was a "Week 6" or a review week in our Treasures reading curriculum. The children and I reviewed skills we have been working on over the last 5 weeks of school (paying careful attention to the use of quotation marks- as well as combining sentences :) and they took their Unit 1 Assessment yesterday at school. This was a lengthy assessment that contained 2 extended responses. The children worked very hard during this time!
Being a review week, the children had the opportunity to choose their very own spelling list this week! The children were asked to consider past spelling words that were tricky, words they have tried to use in their journals that they didn't yet know how to spell, current social studies words from our citizenship unit, or words related to our month or time of year. I was AMAZED at the challenging words the children chose for themselves! I saw "Washington, DC," "patriotism," "government," "pumpkin," and "because" appear on our lists. Way to go, class! I'm so excited to see how pushed yourselves to learn these words this week! I am so eager to grade these tests! We will be back on track with our regular reading, spelling, and fluency activities next week.

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