Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday's Fun By: PJ

Today was a funny day. We finished our book reviews. We took pictures with our books and hung them up with our reports in the hallway. You can see them when you come to school! Miss O'Sullivan posted our Australian Commercials on the blog, make sure to take a look. We had art class after lunch. We drew our very own Lorax! In math we reviewed before we took our test on fractions. We reviewed equivalent fractions, and we decided which fractions are more than and less than others. We played a funny online game called "Where's Grampy?" Grammy kept hiding behind the bushes, and we had to decide the fraction of the bushes she was hiding behind. It was funny! Here is the link: Find Grampy! or make it harder and Find Grammy! (*She ducks behind the bushes, so you have to remember where she was!) You should play at home!

Watch our commercials and tell me what you think!
:) PJ


  1. Hi pj you did a great job.


  2. The commercials were very informative. I learned a ton! Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see your fraction test and your Lorax. I thought P.J.'s Cat in the Hat was awesome! Love Dad
    P.S. Go Bulls!
