Friday, March 9, 2012

Its Friday! By Madison

Today was a busy day at school! This morning we wrote down 5 wishes we would make if we caught a leprechaun! We read a story called "Wholey Cow!" It was a book about fractions! We learned about the activities kids do for fun in Australia today- many of them have to do with surfing, swimming, and boogie boarding since most of the people live along the coast! We also watched a short video about two kids who live in Australia. One lived in the city, and the other lived on a farm. We made a T chart in our journals and we took notes so we could see the difference in how the two kids lived. Not many of us had farm experience, but we had a lot in common with the family that lived just outside of Sydney!

We had Alex's mom come in for Art Appreciation. She showed us impressionist art work by Berthe Morisot. Then we went back to our seats and attempted to make our own impressionist-style pictures! It was also Alex's star student week, so his whole family came in to our classroom for his star student experiment. His experiment let us see which colors would travel quicker through a wet coffee filter. His sister Kristina read us a story about Skippyjon Jones. It was fun to hear her read to us. Did you know she was in Miss O'Sullivan's class a long time ago? She's in 8th grade now!

Alex is a star because he is really funny, nice, and he is a very fluent reader. He has a great sense of humor and an awesome smile! We are so lucky to have him in our class.

Have a good weekend!


  1. Hi.It's me Ava W.I haven't visited the blogg for a while now and I want to talk now.Great post Madison!Lots and lots of details in that post.I don't think I have seen any body post that much on the blogg before that was the blogger.Wow!that was so long!Miss O'Sullivan can you give me a quiz question?Please?

  2. Hi Ava! Look at all that YOU typed! Wow! That's pretty great, too! I have missed seeing your comments on the blog! A quiz question just for you: Can you give me 5 fractions that are equivalent to 1/2?

    I hope you are having a fun weekend!
    :) Miss O
