Thursday, March 1, 2012

An Awesome Day at School! by Macy M.

We created postcards to our moms and dads from our trip to Australia today! We made sure to include all of the different Aussie words we have been learning- including oldies, crook, sunnies, barbie, and cozzie! We looked at a bunch of different Australian postcards in our classroom, and pictures of some online before we designed our own. We had PE this morning too. It was our last day doing the obstacle course. In music Mr. D played a song for us, and we wrote down the notes we heard on slates. During the afternoon we listened to our read aloud story, "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing." In social studies we talked about interesting foods in Australia. We learned about vegemite which is a brown sticky paste to spread on bread or crackers, pavlova which is a marshmallowy dessert with fruit and whipped cream, lamington which is cake dipped in chocolate and rolled in coconut, and meat pie that you could put ketchup on top! Then we heard a story called "Possum Magic" by Mem Fox. It was about a little possum who was invisible. The only way for him to become visible again was to eat these Australian foods! More and more of him appeared after each tasty bite! In math we practiced fractions. We looked to see how many of the same small shapes can fit inside a larger shape.

See you tomorrow!
Macy M.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Macy! Great job blogging! I love hearing about your day! Those Australian desserts sound delicious!!
    Love, Mommy
