Thursday, March 15, 2012

Great Thursday! By PJ

We had PE today with Mr. Gries. We played basketball. We practiced dribbling and passing. In music, we learned the "Good Morning Song" with Mr. Deptula. We also played the hand chimes! In math we talked about Standard Units of Measure. We tried to measure the length of our class using 2nd graders, but we found that all of the 2nd graders are different sizes. When we only measured using Amelias, we came up with 9. When we measured with Alexes, we came up with 7 -because he is taller. We learned you have to use a standard unit of measure if you want an exact measurement! That way others will understand your measurement, too. During DOG, we each picked a country and then wrote down clues about where the country is in the world. We included clues about which hemisphere its in, other countries its near, which continent its on, and which bodies of water are nearby.

Here is one for you at home!

1. Its in the northern hemisphere.
2. It touches the Arabian Sea.
3. Its west of India.
4. Its south of Europe.
5. Its north of Somalia.
6. It borders Oman.

Good Luck!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday's Fun By: PJ

Today was a funny day. We finished our book reviews. We took pictures with our books and hung them up with our reports in the hallway. You can see them when you come to school! Miss O'Sullivan posted our Australian Commercials on the blog, make sure to take a look. We had art class after lunch. We drew our very own Lorax! In math we reviewed before we took our test on fractions. We reviewed equivalent fractions, and we decided which fractions are more than and less than others. We played a funny online game called "Where's Grampy?" Grammy kept hiding behind the bushes, and we had to decide the fraction of the bushes she was hiding behind. It was funny! Here is the link: Find Grampy! or make it harder and Find Grammy! (*She ducks behind the bushes, so you have to remember where she was!) You should play at home!

Watch our commercials and tell me what you think!
:) PJ

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy Tuesday! By PJ

Today we had LMC and we got to see everybody's finished commercials. The commercials were about each of the territories in Australia. My territory was Tasmania, and my commercial turned out great! (Soon they will be linked to the blog!) Another territory I would like to visit after watching the commercials is Queensland, because I would want to see the Great Barrier Reef. We also learned about writing a book review today. We each read a short story in the classroom to ourselves to write our book review about. When we were done reading, we began our review of the book. I read a book about Pinky and Rex. We also started reading a new story, its the one that comes after Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing- its called "Super Fudge!" In math we practiced comparing the size of fractions. I would rather watch 1/2 of my favorite show than 1/3!

Have a great night!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday's Review By PJ

Today we had PE and Music. We had a substitute, it was Mr. Tim! We played Chicken Tag, Garbage, and Blob. In music we played on the xylophones. We have a new theme in reading this week, its "The Desert!" Our new vocabulary words are lengthy, burrow, ranger's, warning, distant, and beyond. In Social Studies we talk about schools in Australia. Did you know that they start the school year in February and end December? Did you know that many of the kids wear uniforms? The kids in the outback talk to their teacher by radio or through the computer! In math we learned about fractions that were greater and less than 1/2.

Have a good night!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Its Friday! By Madison

Today was a busy day at school! This morning we wrote down 5 wishes we would make if we caught a leprechaun! We read a story called "Wholey Cow!" It was a book about fractions! We learned about the activities kids do for fun in Australia today- many of them have to do with surfing, swimming, and boogie boarding since most of the people live along the coast! We also watched a short video about two kids who live in Australia. One lived in the city, and the other lived on a farm. We made a T chart in our journals and we took notes so we could see the difference in how the two kids lived. Not many of us had farm experience, but we had a lot in common with the family that lived just outside of Sydney!

We had Alex's mom come in for Art Appreciation. She showed us impressionist art work by Berthe Morisot. Then we went back to our seats and attempted to make our own impressionist-style pictures! It was also Alex's star student week, so his whole family came in to our classroom for his star student experiment. His experiment let us see which colors would travel quicker through a wet coffee filter. His sister Kristina read us a story about Skippyjon Jones. It was fun to hear her read to us. Did you know she was in Miss O'Sullivan's class a long time ago? She's in 8th grade now!

Alex is a star because he is really funny, nice, and he is a very fluent reader. He has a great sense of humor and an awesome smile! We are so lucky to have him in our class.

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday's Wisdom by Madison

This morning we worked on our Persuasive Posters. Luckily most of us got done! We had a Shelter in Place drill this morning. It helped us practice what to do in case of a Tornado! We went into the hall and protected our head with our hands. We took a grammar review to see if we could use all of the words we have been practicing in Unit 4. Then we had lunch. The kids had pancakes and ham, and Dominos pizza! I had Johnny's Beef as a special treat with my dad. I got to play outside for a little bit. It was so nice outside today! After lunch we had art class. We made a Lorax! We finished reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Guess what, Fudge ate Dribble, Peter's turtle! There was a happy ending though, when Peter got a brand new dog. He named it Turtle. In math we practiced equivalent fractions! We learned that 1/2 = 2/4= 3/6. We learned that 1/4 = 2/8!

That's all for now!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday's Tidbit by Madison

We had a special event today! Kayleigh's dad came in and taught all of the second graders about Australia! (Also known as the Land Down Under). He has actually been to Australia two times! He showed us all kinds of pictures that he took himself of the places we have been learning about, including Uluru! He taught us that you really aren't supposed to climb Uluru, its a sacred place for the Aborigines. Did you know that the Wiggles come from Australia? Did you know that there are almost 23 million people who live there, and 226 different languages? We are practically experts now!

Also today, we also learned the letter "v" in cursive. We have also been learning about fractions. Today we used counters to make equal groups out of different numbers of the counters. In the LMC we finally finished recording our Australia commercials. We can't wait to see them!

See you tomorrow!

Madison's quiz question: What are the native people of Australia called?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Luck -O- the Irish! by Miss O'Sullivan

March is here! It was time to get into the St. Patrick's Day spirit! Look at the adorable leprechauns the children made today at school. I think our luck is changing around here! :)

As I mentioned on Friday, we have entered a review week for our Treasures reading program this week. Today the children chose their own spelling words using their journals, "You Try" sheets, or they chose words that have to do with the season our our learning in some other way. I couldn't believe how the children challenged themselves with their word selections! I was very impressed with their choices! We reviewed the concept of compound words. We worked a bit on our persuasive posters. The children also participated in PE and Music class today! We viewed Alex's star student poster and pictures. This afternoon after working so carefully on our leprechauns, we listened to a cute little story called, "Tim O'Toole and the Wee Folk." What a busy day at school we had!

Have a nice evening!
Miss O'Sullivan

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fantastic Friday! By Miss O'Sullivan

Owen had a great star week! He had his whole family come in for his star experiment, including his parents and his older brother and sister- Patrick and Annie! During his experiment, Owen got everyone thinking about how a submarine works. He put an empty 2 liter bottle in a bin of water, and we watched it float! Then he filled the 2 liter bottle with water, and we watched it sink to the bottom. We realized that a submarine can rise or lower itself in the ocean in the same way! What a cool experiment that was! Owen then read the children a story about Sponge Bob playing soccer in the ocean. The kids got a huge kick out of this story! The children all shared reasons that Owen is a star student- including he's funny, follows all of the rules at school, he's fun to play with, and he gets right to work every single day at school. That's a star in my book!

The children were troopers on another "assessment" Friday! They showed me what they know on their Spelling, Grammar, DOL, DOG, and Treasures assessments! The children played a quick round of spelling Sparkle before their spelling test, and Macy was our big winner this week! They also completed their Self Report Card for this trimester. It is so important for the children to think about their own strengths and weaknesses! I'm looking forward to sharing these with you at our conference coming up in the next few weeks. After lunch the children pulled out their Persuasive Posters to revise and edit. We are going to be transferring our ideas to our actual posters next week. We went to the library to finalize our Australian commerical scripts and to begin recording in front of our "green screens!" I loved to see how the children's persuasive thinking transferred right over to our social studies lessons. The children are doing a nice job of "selling" their ideas to their audience!

It was another great week at school. Looking ahead, next week is a Treasures Week 6, which is a review week as we lead up to our Unit 4 Assessment. We will review skills, vocabulary, and concepts throughout the week before the children take their unit assessment on Friday. The children will choose their own spelling words for the week, and there will not be a fluency passage.

Thank you for returning the Australian Animal contracts so quickly! I knew it was a tight turn around time, and I was amazed to see that EVERY SINGLE contract was returned by Friday! The children were very agreeable, too! Almost every single person received their top 1 or 2 animal choices. Given the opportunity to either double up on an animal or choose a new one for us to learn about, the children chose the new animal option! This means we are about to learn about 23 Australian animals that many of us know very little about! The kids are very excited about this research project! They love showing what they know to their classmates at school! Thank you for your help and support at home. These types of projects are the ones the kids really remember in the long run!

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement of your child's learning!
Have a wonderful weekend!
:) Miss O'Sullivan

Thursday, March 1, 2012

An Awesome Day at School! by Macy M.

We created postcards to our moms and dads from our trip to Australia today! We made sure to include all of the different Aussie words we have been learning- including oldies, crook, sunnies, barbie, and cozzie! We looked at a bunch of different Australian postcards in our classroom, and pictures of some online before we designed our own. We had PE this morning too. It was our last day doing the obstacle course. In music Mr. D played a song for us, and we wrote down the notes we heard on slates. During the afternoon we listened to our read aloud story, "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing." In social studies we talked about interesting foods in Australia. We learned about vegemite which is a brown sticky paste to spread on bread or crackers, pavlova which is a marshmallowy dessert with fruit and whipped cream, lamington which is cake dipped in chocolate and rolled in coconut, and meat pie that you could put ketchup on top! Then we heard a story called "Possum Magic" by Mem Fox. It was about a little possum who was invisible. The only way for him to become visible again was to eat these Australian foods! More and more of him appeared after each tasty bite! In math we practiced fractions. We looked to see how many of the same small shapes can fit inside a larger shape.

See you tomorrow!
Macy M.