Monday, October 2, 2017

The Latest News in 2-2

The children AMAZE me with their growing independence in each day! They head confidently into our classroom every morning ready to get started. I am so impressed see each and every student's interest and engagement in classroom systems and learning. They are awesome! Below are some photos of our learning this past week.

The children were EAGER to come up and practice spelling and writing important high-frequency words, before completing similar practice independently back at their seats. High-frequency words pop up EVERYWHERE! We are ready to know how to read them and spell them in a snap!

 We reviewed our oceans and continents carefully before taking our map skills assessment. The children LOVED logging into the Kahoot website to answer review questions about all of the learning we have done. It was so exciting for all!

 Here are a few candid pictures of an indoor recess the children had during one of those hot days of school. It is so nice to see them working and playing cooperatively together!

 Henry was recently our star student. We welcomed Mr. Sun into the classroom to share an experiment and a story with our class!

 As our unit on Solids, Liquids, and Gases unfolds, the children were ecstatic to read about Oobleck with the help of Dr. Suess. They learned that oobleck is considered a "non-newtonian" substance, because it can take the form of BOTH a solid, and a liquid!  Our investigations of solids, liquids and gases will continue!

 We reviewed place value and comparing numbers during math!
 We built compound words!

You can see that the children are hard at work every single day! Thanks for dropping by our blog!

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