Sunday, October 15, 2017

Snapshots of our learning!

Below is a summary of our week in photos!
I just realized that this is our post from the week before last, and it did not upload!
So here it is- better late than never! :)

 The children and I had so much fun listening to the clues during morning announcements about where Celeste (the main character in A Nest for Celeste) could be hiding around the school. Here, we were excited to find her in the office above Mrs. Lane's desk!
 During reader's workshop this week, the children practiced several strategies to help them process texts in a deep, careful way.  Here, the children are visualizing the text by making a movie in their mind. They are sketching what they imagine is happening based on the detailed words in the text.

 In the LMC, the children enjoyed logging into the app Nearpod to engage further with our "One Book, One Dryden" reading program! It is so much fun to see the children excited about reading! I love that we are traveling along this reading journey together!

 After answering a number of questions that brought the children's thinking back to the text, the children are sketching their own version of a mouse!

 During reader's workshop, we also delved into the world of poetry! The children carefully looked for elements of poetry such as white space, rhyme, repeated sounds, and rich vocabulary. They found terrific examples to share with us!

 A skill we focused on during Word Study this week was long vowel sounds. We sorted a series of words that contain long vowel sounds, and we found that there are a number of ways to make each sound. The children enjoyed the challenge of making new words with vowel sounds, too!
 We found Celeste again! How DID she get up there?!
 During math, we practiced adding 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping. Using base 10 blocks helped us to see if we needed to regroup or not!

 We have shifted our writing gears! Now that our autobiographies are complete, we are learning about the elements of fairy tales. We will soon be building fairy tales of our own!

 We were happy to celebrate our star, Isabella, with her parents on Friday! Isabella shared an experiment and a story with her classmates!

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