Friday, September 3, 2021

Hello, September!

Another busy week of learning and fun in 2nd grade is behind us! The children are doing a wonderful job of listening, following directions, and focusing during class! They have made so much progress since the first days of school. I am VERY proud of them! 

This week:
- we had a practice fire drill. The class did a great job of exiting the building safely and quietly.

- we practiced for the upcoming MAP test. We will be taking the reading and math MAP tests in our classroom on our iPads next week. The MAP reading test is scheduled for Thursday, September 9, and the MAP math test is scheduled for Friday, September 10th.

- we began classroom reading assessments. I'm working to identify the reading levels in our class, so we can begin reading books that will better support our individual goals in reading!

-we practiced making words with short vowel sounds

- we learned 7 new word wall words, including: about, around, each, funny, home, school, and would. Have your children practice reading, writing, and spelling these words at home!
- we practiced using a K-W-L chart to think carefully about what we are reading. We jotted down what we know before reading, what we wonder about the topic, and what we learned after reading about Sharks! 

- we talked about how to have a good discussion with a partner about what we are reading

- we practiced comparing numbers using "greater than" and "less than" both the words and the symbols

- students shared a writing piece with the class!

- September book orders are due on Thursday, September 9 (by 10:30 AM! :) Thank you to those who have already ordered! I foresee lots of fun reading experiences in the near future!

- Please send headphones for your child to use at school. They will come in handy as we listen to stories, practice math apps, and complete activities on Seesaw! 

- Homework logs went home on Wednesday! The homework log is a green, 2-sided calendar that can be found in your child's red home folder. Our goal in 2nd grade is for the children to read for 20 minutes each night, and practice math facts for 5 minutes each night. (Monthly total: Reading= 400 minutes and Math/100 minutes per month). These calendars are due signed and completed on October 1st!

- You also might have noticed family log-in information for Xtramath, Reflex, and EPIC in your child's red home folder. Xtramath is free if you log in through the website. Both Xtramath and Reflex are great sites for building math fact fluency.  EPIC is a reading site full of engaging books... but it is only available during school hours. I shared this log-in information with you in the event that your child is at home on a school day, and would like to access some great books through EPIC.

Upcoming dates:
- September 6 and 7: No school
- September 8:  PTA birthday books
- September 10th: Patriot Day recognition. We will be honoring 9/ll with a patriotic sing-a-long out in front of Dryden, near the flagpole. Feel free to wear your red, white, and blue, and sing some patriotic tunes led by our own music teacher, Mr. Deptula.
- September 16:  No school

Have a nice, long, Labor Day weekend! See you next week!

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